Hi Tom and all KFLOP Users,
I want to share my experiences about motion control
My first cnc machine was china router controlled by
external dsp controller
- it was not bad for simple 2D jobs, but on 3D was really
I decided to swap this control with Mach3
- it helped a bit but Mach3 Constant Velocity is not
if you want achieve high speeds with reasonable tolerance
it slows down too much, if not it blend corners too much.
And LPT paraller port was also limiting max step frequency
and it was sensitive to PC CPU usage.
Third try was USB SMC4D control from Boenigk electronics
(software cncGraf)
it was fine control board, but first biggest porblem was
curve speed calculation -
sometimes speed on small curves was same like on straight
lines (!!!!!)
I was also considering to buy SmoothStepper but it need
Mach3 and Constant Velocity mode is not good. ( at least
for me)
I lost hope in finding good cnc control board.
But finally I decided to buy KFLOP Motion Control Board (+
It was best choice!
- KFLOP calculate speeds on curves perfectly + collinear
tollerance make motion smoother
- Performance is unbeatable
- Trajectory Planner Corner Rounding - makes motion even
more smoother and allow machine with higher speeds on
curve shapes.
- Low Pass Smoothing - final smoothing - more speed on
complex shapes ! + extend lifetime of your CNC :)
I hope that more people will decide to buy KFLOP it is
powerful product + programmability makes it great Motion
Albert P³atek